Introduction : Stories of dragons

By way of introduction, here's a short study of this famous predator, so that you can begin reading the chapters that follow with as objective an understanding as possible.


When I was little, like most children, I was fascinated by stories about dragons.

Some inspired confidence and protection, others provoked terror to the point of haunting my nights... Little did I know that these feelings came from "very real memories", inscribed even in my genetics!


A few decades later, this reptilian fascination had evolved somewhat, but only in form... Fully immersed in the New Age movement, thirsting for discoveries about parallel realities, I explored the dimension of nature spirits. I was learning to sense their presence. Dragons were often guardians of towers and rocks overlooking valleys, and had a protective, purifying role.


In the same milieu, I learned of the existence of "reptilians" who could manifest themselves in times of physical or emotional weakness, "taping" themselves to our etheric body to suck out our vital energy... Of course, there was a whole arsenal of rituals to ward off the attacks of these evil dragons. And "sending" them far into the light was the most common procedure!


It's amazing how our transdimensional memories adapt to our own beliefs throughout our lives. A form of illusion and denial seems to persist as long as the true nature of this reptilian energy remains unaware. The illusion is maintained in particular by the dual belief of the good dragon and the bad dragon, as well as by its supposedly external existence.


My real introduction to the subject was triggered by simultaneous and painful upheavals: marital separation, precarious living conditions, serious illness and the resurgence of inquisitorial karmic memories... It was during this tumultuous period that my interest in this scaly creature from another dimension was awakened.


The quest for the mysterious dragon led me to Sand and Jenaël, and a few years later to the joint creation of the LEO Network website, and then this one. Through our exchanges, which resonated deep within my Being, and in-depth research into their subject, a slightly more objective vision of this other reality was born. The predator-reptilian world was finally beginning to make sense!


From a linear point of view, the "intervention" of the dragon - which according to Sumerian history corresponds to the colonization of the Earth by the Anunnaki and other reptilians of the great Gina'abul family - constitutes a crucial stage in the history of humanity. No wonder the reptilian symbol is present in so many cults and mythologies around the globe!


Biologically, it's intrinsically part of our DNA, since male and female Gina'abul are the creators of today's human genetics.


The Fall of the Original Man (often symbolized by a winged being) is said to have been brought about by the tempting promises of an archetypal serpent concerning earthly physical experiences, such as sexuality.

To experience duality, his original androgynous state was split into masculine and feminine polarities, and his genetics were affected by the addition of a major ingredient: involutive reptilian genes. The original Man lost his wings and the memory of his origins.


To top it all off, amnesiac humanity, which believes itself to be at the top of the food chain, struggles not to face up to the evidence of its state of servitude. Yes, our own reptilian genetics prevent us, through fear, pride and above all a powerful denial, from accepting that we are beings caught in our own trap! Humanity's entropy is skilfully orchestrated!


After a great deal of personal experience, observation, research and cross-checking of information hidden from the general public, the existence of manipulation on a scale beyond our understanding has become a certainty for me.


Here's Laura Knight's Tale of the Wicked Magus, which perfectly illustrates the human condition (a fact obviously omitted from our history books!):


A very rich magician owned many sheep. But this magician was very stingy. He didn't want to hire shepherds; he didn't want to fence off the meadows where his flocks grazed. As a result, the sheep regularly got lost in the forest or fell into ravines, etc., and above all, they escaped because they knew that the magician wanted their skin and fleece, and they really didn't like the idea.


Finally, the magician found a solution. He hypnotized his sheep and suggested that, firstly, they were all immortal and that no harm came to them when they were killed or skinned. On the contrary, it was very profitable and even pleasurable for them.


Secondly, he suggested that he, the magician, was a good master who loved his flock so much that he was willing to do anything in the world for them. Thirdly, he suggested that if anything were to happen to them, it wouldn't happen right away, certainly not today, so they shouldn't think about it.


Then the magician suggested to his sheep that they weren't sheep at all. To some he suggested they were lions, to others he suggested they were eagles, to others he suggested they were men, and to still others he suggested they were magicians.


And so all his worries about his sheep disappeared. They never ran away again, but waited quietly for the magician to claim their flesh and fleece.

Laura Knight, The Wave Volume I, p.99


The discovery of this well-concealed truth triggered a deep sense of rebellion in me. Nonetheless, this phase gave me the impetus to dig deeper, to look even further and to change my lifestyle. Searching for the REAL information hidden amidst the misinformation was essential, in order to break out of my unconscious denial and thus out of the hypnotic magician's grip.



This quest is indeed a question of survival of my own SDA (Service to Others) essence, for as soon as I manage to discern the psychic inconsistencies originating in 4th density, it's my real free will that I gradually regain. And it's this free will, combined with my willpower, that enables me to consciously choose an evolutionary direction rather than an involutive one.


For this reason, one of the special features of the Epic of Consciousness is the work of "clearing" the traps of these illusionist magicians - work that can only take place through inner "clearing". And the further I go, the more I realize the subtlety of this matrix programming.


Furthermore, humans can easily be controlled by 4th density beings via their genetics, intellect, chemistry and via the staging of "dramas" in which other people, who may or may not be active "agents" of the SDS hierarchy, act as "vectors" of thoughts and activities.

Laura Knight, The Wave tome VI, p.247


Understanding that, from another plane, my consciousness CHOSE to fall and therefore to experience this reality based on incessant energetic taking, helps me to integrate the extent to which this fallen angel that I am, is inhabited by a predator who needs to feed on the energy of the other in whatever form it may take.



To clarify this important notion of predation, here's the LEO Dico definition:

What is predation?

It's the action of one living being, the predator, to feed on the vital substance of another living being, the prey. Predation meets a need for survival in 3rd and 4th density reality. The predator generally eats an inferior being (in terms of biological evolution and consciousness): the herbivore predates on the plant and the carnivore on the herbivore. The human being, who feeds on all these forms of life, considers himself to be at the top of the food chain. Wikipedia's definition of predation reads:


He [Man] is nonetheless capable, if necessary [...], of killing any animal species and consuming its flesh. Conversely, under normal conditions, no animal species will attack man for food. Man is therefore sometimes considered the ultimate superpredator.


That's where we'd like to focus: on the misinformation that puts Man at the top of the pyramid, because the food chain continues and the definition extends!


Since 4th density, entities (generally Greys or Reptilians) that we call "extraterrestrial", need to extract their vital food from us: our emotions! More rarely, in cases where they physically integrate our dimension (which is denser than theirs), they need to feed on matter, i.e. human or animal organs and fluids.


These beings, far more "intelligent" than us, have developed technologies adapted to amplify their "emotional food production" since 4th density:


- By modifying the primordial information engrammed in human DNA, predators have been able to create a veil in our consciousness to obscure our memory. As a result, since Man remembers neither where he came from (i.e. his original essence) nor where he's going, he becomes a docile herd, unaware of the danger.


- Our reptilian brain, or ego (based on flight or attack reactions), can be seen as a predator's implant, enabling it to broadcast its thoughts directly in order to harvest emotions and actions that benefit it.


- Using existing technology in our density to target a specific person, the predator system can make that person hear a specific phrase inside his or her brain, or trigger discomfort or illness (microchips and microwave weapons). It can also change the weather and trigger natural disasters or epidemics (HAARP project, chemtrails...).


- More directly, the predatory entity can invest a human body or take on a human appearance, while retaining its own intelligence and psychic "powers". This enables it to operate very effectively in spiritual, economic and political circles... so it can play on the seduction and fascination of spiritual seekers through channelings and disguised apparitions, as well as orchestrating stock market crashes, wars and so on.


The combined action of all these modes of influence creates reality as we experience it in 3rd density, but also takes manipulation a notch further: humans - this exploited and programmed animal - reinforce and repair their own enclosure! Food, medicine and perverted media are the proof.


This 4th-density predator completes the food chain, but in a much less obvious way than the spectacle offered by nature. For this reason, Man, "who only believes what he sees", cannot accept this form of predation, inconceivable according to his beliefs, which nevertheless directs his whole life.


But we mustn't stop at its "negative" role, for as Wikipedia explains: "Predation is common in nature, where predators play a predominant role in maintaining ecological balances." Similarly, in this world of simultaneous 3rd and 4th densities, predation plays an essential role in multidimensional equilibrium.

Description of the cycle and equilibrium in which the predator is involved

When human beings begin their cycle of incarnations on Earth, they come to experience all facets, starting with the densest: that of the executioner. When consciousness has had enough experience, it plunges into the other polarity: that of the victim. These latter ordeals are so uncomfortable that the individual, through the need to escape them, can develop a strength that enables him to see beyond the illusion of the 3rd density world.


By acknowledging the realizations arising from his new point of view, he is then able to experience an expansion of consciousness in which every experience is no longer seen as "positive" or "negative", but as part of a balance.


He gradually moves from a reduced, dualistic vision to the global vision of a unified whole; in other words, from a reality of Service to Self - SDS to one of Service to Others - SDA. The doors of 4th density (a transitional stage) gradually open up to him. Once SDA consciousness has been fully assimilated, he will be able to enter 6th density. On the other hand, humans who remain stuck in their victim/offender patterns (i.e. SDS) will be confined to 4th density.


So we understand that the predator is "stuck" in these low-frequency densities, and the only ways out are :


either start a new incarnation cycle from 4th density, in a 3rd density human body. His consciousness will then be able to re-experience these polarities and have a new opportunity to choose a path towards Service to Others - SDA. Or, at the end of a cycle, his consciousness blocked in a Service to Self - SDS mode of operation may be recycled by a black hole into another form of existence.

Human and predator: a subtle fusion

Consciousness is not limited to linear time or delimited space, nor is it confined to a single experience. Several "selves" exist on different timelines and interact simultaneously. And since (according to this 3rd-density linear vision) our cycle of human incarnations begins in SDS form, i.e. predatory, this means that the predator or "ourselves" in the past is not separate from us in the present. All our existences, progressing together on different planes, will be oriented towards one or other of the possible futures, depending on the evolution of the Consciousness that encompasses them.


The predator limited to 4th density associates the passage into a higher density with certain death. It's more like a transformation, as the individual evolving from SDS to SDA gradually changes reality and, through the evolution of his genetics, "takes" his predator with him.


The latter, obsessed by its fear of losing its comfortable reference points, including its easy mode of nutrition through emotional parasitism, uses all its tricks and stratagems to slow down the evolution of consciousness in the SDA direction. A phenomenon which reveals the quality of a true master of life, since the hard knocks of daily life provide the individual with the necessary impetus to question himself more and more deeply.


Consciousness thus seems to "use" hyperdimensional predation to make humans available to its teachings.


And it is in this way, during the earthly experience, that these predators play a predominant role in the evolution of Consciousness, by activating a dynamic of self-improvement.


As I began to open up to this reality, I realized to what extent my universe, both internal and external, is the realm of predation. This notion, so well described by Carlos Castaneda, is a reality to which, until now, I preferred to close my eyes... But for those who choose to SEE reality as it is, there is no other option than to untie knot after knot the net in which hyperdimensional predation has trapped them.


The Mexican sorcerers of yore saw the predator. They called it a glider because it shoots out of space. It's not a pretty sight. It's a great shadow, impenetrably black, hurtling towards the ground and landing heavily. These wizards didn't know exactly when he had appeared on Earth. In their minds, man had undoubtedly once been a complete being endowed with a prodigious consciousness enabling him to accomplish incredible feats - all those feats we find today in our mythological legends. These faculties then seemed to have disappeared, giving rise to the human being of today, a being diminished as if drugged by sedatives. [...]


It is the predators, say the sorcerers, who have imposed our belief systems, our ideas of right and wrong, our social mores. They are the ones who raise our hopes and expectations, our dreams of success or our fear of failure; they are the ones who instill in our minds lust, greed and cowardice, and make them pretentious, routine and egocentric.


But how do they do it, Don Juan?" I asked, becoming increasingly irritated by his words. Do they whisper all this in our ear while we sleep?


No, they're not that stupid," replied Don Juan, smiling. They're extremely efficient and organized, and to ensure our obedience, docility and apathy, they've pulled off an extraordinary maneuver, of course, on a strategic level, but horrible from the point of view of those who are its victims. They've given us our minds! Can you hear me? The predators have replaced our minds with theirs, which are bizarre, incoherent, cranky and haunted by the fear of being found out. [...]


My point is that we're dealing with a strong party. It's a very clever, well-organized predator, methodically proceeding to neutralize us and prevent us from being the magical creature we were destined to be. We are now no more than a source of nourishment, with no dreams other than those of an animal raised for its meat. [...]


From the moment the predators stop eating it, our shiny layer of consciousness grows. To oversimplify, we could say that, thanks to their discipline, wizards keep the predator away, allowing their shiny layer of consciousness to reform and gradually return to its normal size.

Carlos Castaneda, The Active Side of Infinity, p. 266 à 270


This reality is generally very hard for the human mind, so carefully indoctrinated by the Judeo-Christian system of control that makes it believe in the existence of good and evil, to accept.


One of the steps on my path is therefore to stop seeing the dragon as a monster to be eliminated, and to integrate a broader vision enabling me to see this reptilian as a being fulfilling the role assigned to it. Breaking out of this dualistic mode imprinted on every cell in my body requires sheer willpower and stamina!


This energy, which we call "predatory" and of which I take the dragon as archetype, can also be illustrated by the reptilian, the demon, the ogre, the dracos, the vampire, the monster, the werewolf, and so on. It is destructive as long as we reject it (consciously or unconsciously), but can, as we assimilate and understand our "negative" experiences, become an ally, since it is ultimately none other than ourselves on another plane of consciousness, "helping" us to wake up.


Where once an existential question remained unanswered - why is humanity pushing the level of predation so far? - I'm now able to answer it in my own way: quite simply because the refusal and denial of the predatory dimension is also taken to extremes, and the Universe is governed by an immutable law, that of balance.


Like yin and yang in motion, uniting light and darkness, Consciousness is in a perpetual state of evolution as it strives for balance. Following this logic, it becomes easy to understand why so many horrors take shape in this world. Likewise, we seem to be individually subject to these laws.


Let's take the example of rituals: a group of people, of which I've been a part on many occasions, wanting to do good according to their positive SDS conditioning, will get together and send, through visualizations, prayers and mantras, a lot of "light" and "love" to a people in distress. Something powerful is indeed happening in the invisible, as each person's abilities and intentions are amplified exponentially by the group's energy. But as this is a ritual intended to act on the outside world, it's an act which, despite what practitioners may hope, will generate an even greater imbalance!


The negative SDS corpus will indeed have to respond to this need for rebalancing, both on an individual scale (a good example is the fact that, following my infatuation with this type of ceremony, I was affected by major auto-immune diseases) and on a universal scale. In this respect, other rituals - those that feed the darkness - will gain in importance through satanic masses and sacrifices. But who knows about this phenomenon? Hardly anyone...


No wonder! The secret is well kept. What predator would suggest to his host that only by daring to look him straight in the eye, equipped with the discernment and discipline of a shaman, could his inner world be rebalanced? In fact, this is the only way we can rebalance the world around us. By integrating our own predatory energy, our consciousness changes, our bubble of perception changes, and so does our world, and inevitably our future too. This is why denial (of which there are countless conscious and unconscious variants) is an extremely effective tool for psychic imprisonment. It's a weapon of destruction even more effective than war!


This rebalancing is obviously easier said than done! Predation is so fine-tuned and cunning that it insinuates itself into the slightest flaws, the slightest wills, and above all into good intentions. Isn't it said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions?


One of the tricks used by the New Age movement, which I used to validate, is to let us believe that only benevolent energy can attract synchronicities to guide the individual towards his or her evolution. In fact, I was unaware that hyperdimensional predation can also act in this way.


Indeed, 4th density gives reptilians "superpowers"! They have a spatio-temporal horizon far wider than that of the "little" human: they travel in time and space, are gifted with telepathy, can provoke emotions and thoughts, control our hormones and even act against us through someone close to us. In short, they're masters of manipulation! That's why, without the external environment reflecting my inner theater, it would be impossible for me to glimpse this game.


The quantum mirror never ceases to deliver clues as to the path to follow. One person's predatory energy awakens another's, and vice versa. The predator gets bigger and bigger in the mirror opposite, so that we finally deign to see it in our own inner selves, and better still... accept it! And as long as we reject it, it uses other vectors to manifest itself in our bubble of perception. Then, by perpetuating the inner struggle and denial, we provoke other similar situations that will rise to a crescendo until we become sick or insane.


In fact, a good indicator of the psychic influence of these predators within us is that they have a visceral fear of being unmasked. Being unmasked means that the soul they're "squatting" on acquires the ability to ascend to their 4th density level of consciousness (so no more invisibility, invincibility and the sleight-of-hand of their superior condition!). The ascension of humans to 4th density in the Service of others worries them, as they would no longer have any means of control over their food source. But for those who understand the interest, this would give them the opportunity to die to their involutive nature, and to journey with the soul that hosts them towards a totally unknown evolutionary world... It is precisely this process that transforms the predator into an ally.


This introduction, centered on the notion of hyperdimensional predation, is an essential introduction to the subject. It will also give you a clearer understanding of the lessons I've learned from my experiences, which are set out in the following pages.


I also invite you to read Le Dragon, entre dualité et gémellité - Archetype du processus initiatique for a more in-depth look at the subject.


Excerpt from the book Dialogues with the Angel by Gitta Mallasz


 "How foolish man is! 

 He is like a king 

 who fights against his own people. 

 He said, "Love your enemy!"


 Every force is the enemy 

 if you don't recognize it.


 You can't love it 

 if you don't know her.


 If you unite with her, 

 there is no enemy."

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